3 Supplements to Add to Your Health Routine

May 01, 2019

Staying healthy is all about your routine. When you get used to exercise and it becomes a habit, you’re more likely to stick to your commitments and reach your goals. When eating healthy becomes second nature, you develop a taste for the diet your body really craves. And supplements, too, are a habit. The ones that you grab each morning or take before bed are things that you may not think about much after you choose them.

Below, we’ll make the case for three supplements that you should have in your health routine.

A multivitamin

Some days, multivitamins are miraculously simple path to a healthy lifestyle. Other days, experts say they’re useless. So which is it?

Honestly, it’s anyone’s guess, and the truth is probably somewhere in between the two extremes. Multivitamins are full of the same nutrients and vitamins that our bodies need from fruits, vegetables, meats, and other whole foods. And while they may or may not be as useful in vitamin form as they are in plant and meat form, they certainly will not hurt you. A multivitamin, then, is a sensible insurance plan for those of us who don’t always maintain perfect diets. It takes no time at all to grab a multivitamin in the morning, it will cost you nothing in terms of your health, and it is likely a least a little bit helpful.


Melatonin and other natural sleep aids

Few things are as important to our overall health as sleep. With too little sleep, we’ll become irritable, lethargic, and more prone to physical and mental illnesses. With enough of it, we’ll be energetic and happier, more capable of exercise and clear though, and more likely to reap all of the benefits that come with the sorts of good decisions we’ll make with clear heads and optimistic outlooks.

Yet most of us are not getting enough sleep. We’re staying up too late or going to bed intoxicated or after a meal. We’re sleeping irregularly and too infrequently.

Sleep aids aren’t always a good idea — natural sleep is better than a sleeping pill — but natural supplements that help with sleep can be a great addition to your regular supplement schedule. Use them to reset your sleep patterns and find your circadian rhythm. Getting good sleep should become easier after that.


Marijuana has taken the country by storm since being legalized in many states. The fast-growing marijuana business has lots of fans, including recreational marijuana users and the business owners who serve them. But one of the reasons that marijuana was made legal is that it is supposed to be good for people, or at least some people. What happened to that? Are there still health applications for marijuana worth considering?

Smoking marijuana, which (of course) involves breathing in smoke, is probably not a net health benefit. But if you were to isolate one of marijuana’s healthy cannabinoids (active “ingredients,” if you will) — one that has proven health benefits, and one that does not get users high on its own — then you’d have a wonderful natural supplement.

And that’s just what is happening with CBD, explain the CBD experts at Stock CBD Supplements. CBD is non-psychoactive (it won’t get you high), widely legal (even in states that still ban marijuana and THC), and available over the counter in all sorts of forms, from tinctures and pills to edible gummy bears and vape oils.

CBD likely helps people relax, studies show, which can be a big help to those with anxiety and pleasant for just about any user. CBD is affordable, easily available, and a worthy addition to your healthy lifestyle.