3 Tips for Staying On Top of Your New Years Resolutions

June 14, 2019

If you set some New Years resolutions for this year, now is the time to check in and see how you’re going with them. I personally love New Years resolutions because it’s a wonderful time of year to get motivated and to list out all the great things you want to achieve during the coming year. But as the months tick by, it can be easy to lose sight of your resolutions. Here are my top 3 tips for staying on top of your New Years resolutions.


1. Make Them Measurable
The type of goals you make is going to make or break them. You’re going to want to make smart goals that have a time limit of when you want to achieve them by, as well as measurable factors. Saying things like “I want to lose weight” is too general and makes it hard for you to know when you’ve reached your goal. If you lose 1lb, then technically you have lost weight and reached your goal, but I imagine your goal is maybe a little more ambitious than just losing one lb. Making really clear goals with deadlines will help ensure that you have specific things to focus on and can also measure when you have reached your goals. If getting fit and losing weight was on your list of New Year’s resolutions for 2019, then you’re going to want to click here to learn more about how to get in shape as quickly as possible.

2. Work With a Buddy
I find the best thing that works for me for keeping accountable is to have someone else keeping their eyes on me. My husband and I like to spend New Year’s Day writing out our goals for the coming year, and we share them with each other. This means that we both know what the other person wants to achieve, and we check in regularly to see how things are going. It doesn’t have to be your partner that is your goal buddy, but a close friend or family member could also make a great accountability buddy. Just be sure that you check in regularly to ask about their progress and so they can do the same, and really see how you’re doing in terms of smashing your goals. I also find setting up an incentive if I reach my goals is a great way to keep me motivated and pushing forward when things get a little tiring. I like to tell myself if I reach my goals by a certain month, then I can book an overseas adventure for myself. If you’re wanting to plan a beautiful escape, click here to learn more about some great holiday destinations.

3. Stay Focused
Finding a way to focus on your goals is a great way to ensure that you actually keep them in your mind. Set one of your goals as your phone’s desktop picture so that you can see it every single day. Many people find a lot of value in setting up a vision board somewhere in their home, where they’ll see them every single day in order to keep motivated. Whatever you need to do to remind yourself of the goals, make sure that they’re constantly surrounding you so you don’t have a chance to get distracted.

If you’re planning to move at some point this year, be sure to check out theĀ best local moving services in your area before you commit to doing it yourself.