3 Ways Technology Will Help Us Coexist With Nature
Technology is such a big part of our lives – think about all the ways you use tech each day. Chances are your phone wakes you up every day, but it also helps you make money through your job, keep in touch with your loved ones, stay on top of your fitness, and even helps you learn more about the world and how you impact it. As technology improves, so does the ways in which we can use it for good. One of my favourite aspects of technology is that we can use it to see how our actions impact the environment, from power usage in our home through to using automation to keep heat output to a certain level to decrease our environmental impact. One of the most exciting developments I’ve seen recently is how technology can help us know more about our health and help us monitor health issues. As many of us are aware, we’ve also seen a steady decline in bee populations around the world, and I find it fascinating how pollinating drones are being used to help combat this issue. If you’re interested in learning 3 ways technology will help us coexist better with nature, keep reading to learn more.
1. Monitoring Our Impact
One of my favourite sayings is we can’t really control what we haven’t measured. We can’t know how big our environmental impact is, if we can’t see the full size of it. For that reason, any applications that allow us to see the bigger picture of what we’re doing and how we are impacting our environment, are valuable and provide us with a lot of information. There are a number of smart phone apps that allow you to monitor every thing, from your home power usage through to how much carbon foot print your next long haul flight has. Viessmann have an interesting campaign onhumans of the future to help us learn how we can use technology to improve our relationship with the world we live in and how we can better protect our valuable resources. Knowledge is power, and with more information about how you impact the world, you can find ways to reduce the negative impact.
2. Smart Apps and Products
Our health is our most valuable asset, but many of us push it to the limits by living unhealthy lifestyles, by working ourselves until we almost can’t take it anymore, and eating a fast and processed diet. Thankfully technology is there, hoping to help us find ways to track our health better such as smart scales, smart watches that let us know our activity level and heart rate, and even apps that help us find our optimal bed times and sleep lengths. If you’re hoping to get pregnant in the coming months, or struggling with fertility issues, you can even buy apps that help you track your fertility and make notes about your cycle. For those of us with specialised health concerns such as diabetes, there are also smart products such as FreeStyle Libre that automates your insulin responses, allowing you to live as close to a normal life as possible.
3. Drone Pollination
As our bee populations continue to be devastated due to modern lifestyle, construction, and global warning, there are real concerns for our food production lines and the overall biodiversity. That’s why drone pollination has been explored as an option to help maintain this natural cycle which has been disrupted considerably because of our lifestyles. Drones are fitted with special animal hair bristles, and then a special gel is used in order to help transfer pollen from one plant to another. While this is obviously no substitute for real life bee populations, it can be a bit of a bandaid to help out while we work on rebuilding bee populations. As drones get smaller, and better able to be programmed, this could be a huge industry in the coming years.
Technology is such a wonderful asset in our lives, and many of us are already using it to help improve our relationship with nature. I’m excited to see where this will go in the coming years, and how technology will all us to be #HumansOfTheFuture.