6 Road Trip Hacks for an Ultimate Road Trip

September 12, 2022

A road trip is one of my most favourite ways to travel, after all you get to travel at your own pace and you can see so much along the way. If you’re traveling with others, it can be a great opportunity to enjoy special and meaningful conversations together and can really strengthen your bond. I’ve been on dozens of road trips over the years and come up with 6 great road trip hacks that will help ensure you have the ultimate road trip experience. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Choose a Great Route
One of the most important parts of planning and executing a road trip, is the route you’ll take. Not all roads are created equal and there’s a good chance there’s either a considerably faster route you can take, one that’s more scenic and perhaps even one that avoids some expensive tolls. Chums have created 5 themed UK road trips for older adults, but I’m sure anyone would love these great road trip ideas. Take a little extra time in this planning stage so that you can rest assured you’re getting the most out of your drive.

2. Pack Spare Medication
If you need medication that’s hard to find or prescription only, a good idea is to pack double the amount you’ll need for the trip and ensure they’re stored in separate areas. If you lose a bag, or your car is broken into, you’ll be so grateful that you have a spare amount to get you through the trip. While no one wants to think about things going wrong, there’s nothing worse than dealing with a problem and also having to worry about where and how you’ll replace your meds.

3. Take Food Bag Clips and Some Tupperware
One of my favourite parts about a road trip is having a great selection of snacks, but then there’s nothing worse than lose bags of chips floating around your car. If you’re not careful, it can be easy to accidentally tip one and end up with loose almonds or chips all over the place. For this reason I suggest bringing some combination of food bag clips and Tupperware so that you can store any opened snacks safely, knowing that they’ll stay fresh for your return trip.

4. Download Podcasts or Audiobooks
No matter the length of your road trip and how great company you’re with, there’s a good chance there are going to be some lulls in the conversation. For this reason I suggest looking up some audiobooks or podcasts you want to listen to. Be sure to download them your device as depending on where you’re going there’s a good chance there could be poor reception, making it hard or impossible to stream anything.

5. Take Some Baby Wipes
Life on the road can be really messy. I’ve spilled drinks on myself in the car, ordered food from takeout and noticed they didn’t include any napkins, and found myself stranded in a bathroom with absolutely no toilet paper. Wipes can help in all of these situations and can also work wonders to freshen you up if you’ve been in a car too long and you’re feeling a bit sweaty.

6. Ensure You Have Some Cash
When you’re traveling to foreign cities, you don’t really know what is the ‘norm’ there. In some smaller towns especially they may be more of a cash based town, meaning that for car parks, small cafes etc cards might not be accepted. There’s nothing worse than having ordered something only to realise you need to take some cash out to pay. Ensuring you have a bit of cash in your wallet can save you a ton of hassle and stress.

Hope these 6 hacks help ensure you have a wonderful road trip holiday!