Close the Deal of Your Dreams in the French Alps
Closing deals is one of the trickiest parts of being successful in any sort of business. The good news is that there are some tried and trusted ways of doing this that could really help you out.
For example, the glorious French Alps could be the perfect setting for your next big deal. How could a trip here help you to grow your business and make it more of a success?
Find a Relaxed Setting
One of the issues that can stop you from closing your business deals is if you get too up-tight at the critical moment. If you find it difficult to keep a cool head when it is time to get the papers signed then maybe you need to discover a more relaxed setting.
What could be more ideal than heading off to a stunning French Alps ski resort like Morzine or Meribel to close the deal? A trip like this can help to ensure that everyone on both sides of the deal feel laid-back and ready to concentrate on getting it over the line.
There are some wonderful bars and restaurants in all of the top resorts in this region where you can settle down for a drink and something to eat. If you are here for a couple of days then you might even think about waiting before talking about business, rather than rushing in and trying to close the deal right away.
If you and your potential client work in stressful industries then getting away from it all for a couple of days could be perfect for letting you relax and forget about your worries for a while. As soon as you hop in your airport transfer you will start to unwind and think in a more relaxed way.
You should definitely consider this approach if both of you have busy offices where you never seem to get a minute’s peace to thrash out the remaining issues together. By finding a place to relax together things will suddenly seem a whole lot easier.
Build Up Stronger Bonds
If this is a new business relationship then could it be that a bit of mistrust on either side is stopping you from getting the papers signed? It can be tough to feel as though you truly know a new business partner enough to trust them if you have only had a few formal meetings.
On the other hand, an informal get-together like this can be perfect for feeling as though you are really getting to know each other. Having a laugh on the slopes and sharing some personal stories over dinner are the sorts of activities that can leave you feeling that you can build up some powerful and lasting bonds.
You might not end up being best buddies after the trip but if you feel comfortable enough to work together then it will have been well worth it. Of course, there is also the chance that you find a great new friend and a valuable shared hobby in this way.
This approach is helped by the fact that getting to one of these resorts isn’t as difficult or as expensive as you might think. By heading over with the likes of then you can arrange this useful trip in the way that best suits you and your client.
The more strong bonds you build the better for you career. You might even find that your client loves the trip so much that he refers other contacts to you as well.
Go the Extra Mile
Some business people like to see their potential partners go the extra mile in order to secure a deal with them. Maybe your client wants to see if you are really as keen to do business with them as you seem to be.
In this case, offering to set up a short trip to the French Alps is definitely going to be a move that makes you stand out from your rivals. You will really wow your client when you suggest a short break in Chamonix or maybe even the incredibly stylish Courchevel.
You certainly can’t be accused of not trying hard enough if you make the effort to do something bold and adventurous like this. While your competitors are thinking of ways of closing their own deal you will be showing what a class act you are in a stunning ski resort high in the mountains.
Even if your customer can’t make it for some reason, the very fact that you have made the offer shows how serious you are about wanting to get this deal closed.
Give Yourself the Time and Space You Need
Not every deal is the same and some complex matters can take a lot of time to iron out. Bearing this in mind, trying to get it over the line at home can be a tricky business.
When everyone concerned has home lives to attend to and other business to sort out a lack of time can really hold the deal back. If you have reached the stage where it is turning into a bit of a logistical nightmare then maybe it is time to find more time and space.
What better approach could there than that of heading to the beautiful Alps and finding the necessary time to deal with all of the matters needing cleared up? Without any interruptions to get in the way you can find a way to get to the bottom of every issue and then resolve it.
Maybe you will have a few late nights in a local bar or in the hotel restaurant while you do this. It doesn’t matter, as the end result is all that you are interested in.
Find A Place Where You Feel Good
Of course, we can’t overlook the fact that it is easier to close big deals when you are feeling completely confident and comfortable. This means that once you manage to seal a deal in a certain place then you will keen to carry out your future negotiations there too.
Could it be that the French Alps resorts become the places where you automatically head to whenever you are in this situation? It certainly makes sense that it works for one new client then it could function equally as well for others too.
If your first trip here is a success then you will always have great memories of this part of Europe. This means that if you return with other potential partners in the future then you will feel the confidence surging through you as soon as you arrive.
This is an important that we shouldn’t underestimate. When you feel confident about getting a deal to a successful conclusion then this will shine through in your attitude and in your body language.
This could be especially useful if it is the first big deal that you try to push through and you are worried that your nervousness and lack of experience will show. Once you get the deal done you will realize that coming here was one of the most important good ideas that you had.
Don’t let a huge deal flounder when there is a great way to help get it closed. Go to the French Alps and watch how this very special place works its magic on everyone.