Energizing ways to use your travel downtime wisely
There is no doubt that we all love to travel and with good reason. Whether it is lively Liverpool in the UK, the exotic Maldives or cosmopolitan Singapore, there is something about travel that makes us feel good. Travel also has the superb ability to broaden the mind and help us to understand new cultures. The many fabulous experiences you have when immersed in another countries culture or cuisine can really help you to view life in a more thoughtful, peaceful way.
However, while visiting new places is great for living a more Zen like outlook on life, the process of travelling itself can sometimes feel less enlightening. The main gripe that you will have when moving around is what to do with your travel downtime. This may be those long hours waiting at a train station or airport for example or the tiring journey itself.
Mindful ways to use your travel downtime
Many people will opt to plug in with music or passively watch a movie. While this is fine at times, it is much better to find mindful ways to stay occupied. This will not only help you feel more energized and refreshed but also give you an opportunity to learn new things also.
Here are the best ways to go about it for your next trip away.
Study online
For those who need a quick overview, several kinds of online college degrees can be completed via the internet. Classes are viewed online via your laptop, smartphone or tablet, and completed work can also be submitted in this way. This makes studying an online degree a superb way to use your travel downtime. Not only will it help you to work towards a new qualification for any career aspirations you have but it will make the time pass quickly. The technological shift within education now makes this a great way to learn while on the move.
While this may not be easy to do at times, meditating is a great way to use your travel downtime. It will not only calm your mind from the boredom or stress of traveling but also make you feel much sharper mentally. Sometimes you will also find a solution to something that has been bothering you as you relax your mind. If you can find a space to do this, such as a quiet train station waiting room, or when settled into your seat on a flight, it is certainly worth it.
Draw a picture
Expressing yourself through art is superb for passing time in an enjoyable and creative way. Putting something down in a sketchbook or doing some creative writing acts as a distraction and will help you feel much calmer, especially if something has been bothering you. Simply pack a pencil and pad in your bag so you can easily access it when needed. The trick is not to worry about what you sketch or write but just to take inspiration from what is going on around you.
Learn a new language
In the same way as you can study for a qualification online, why not think about learning a language in this way also? There are many language learning apps that you can download for your mobile device which can help here. This is especially useful if you will be heading to a new country with a language different to your own. Taking the time to learn some phrases as you travel will make it easier to converse with the locals while also broadening your mind.
Write up a travel journal
While modern smartphones and digital cameras give us superb ways to document any trip, a simple written journal can feel more special. For your next journey, set up a travel journal to write in which you can update when you have travel downtime. This is not only fun and will stop you from getting bored when on the move but will be a wonderfully personal record of the adventures you have to look back on.
Use your travel downtime in a unique way
Anyone who travels will have periods of time when they need something to stay busy. The above suggestions not only help you to stay amused when waiting around or actually travelling but will also keep your mind stimulated. This will help you to feel mentally fresher and re-energized when you finally make it to your destination. The only thing you have to worry about then is having a fabulous time and seeing all the sights that the new location has to offer.