Tips and Tricks Only Experienced Travelers Know
There are some things every person who has ever traveled knows and those are tips like safely pack your passport and documents or don’t forget to bring your sunscreen! There are some things that have been repeated so many times that even the birds have begun to sing that song. If you are just getting into more serious traveling and want to know some useful tips and tricks you can use while going on your adventures we have collected some great hacks that will certainly come in handy!
Surviving the Flight like a Pro
Flights can oftentimes be really exhausting, especially long haul flights. You can get jet lag and that can get pretty annoying, depending on the number of time zones you’ve crossed. But traveling through different time zones isn’t the only risk factor of jet lag. If you are the type of person who already has trouble sleeping or can get easily irritated then you have a greater risk of experiencing jet lag and other difficulties.
So what can you do to minimize the effects and enjoy your travel without any discomfort?
Being cramped in an uncomfortable position for many hours can not only be bad for your back but can also lead to swollen and painful feet. You can avoid this simply by investing in some high-quality socks for travel which will prevent clotting of blood and will make sure your circulation is flowing leaving your feet happy and ready to go as soon as you land.
Also, one very important aspect of avoiding jet lag and other potential problems is keeping yourself hydrated. And that doesn’t mean that you can drink coffee or alcoholic beverages – only water!
If it’s possible, before you get on to the plane, try to improve your sleeping schedule and lower your stress a few weeks before. This can significantly help you to avoid (or at least overcome quicker) any symptoms of jet lag.
Remember to pack some essentials like a toothbrush, some extra clothes, healthy snacks, breath mints and so on.
Travel in comfortable clothes and bring something to keep you occupied during your flight like a book, audiobook or download some binge-worthy Netflix shows.
Packing Everything You Need
And not overpack? Is that even possible? How do people do that you might wonder? Well, there is a saying out there that if you need to roll your clothes to fit everything into your bag, you are already packing too much.
So how can you avoid overpacking, choose the right bag and pack everything you need?
During your travels, your bag is going to be an essential part of your adventure. You will have everything you need in one place and there are several qualities experienced travelers look for in their travel bag. Kenneth Cole travel bags are an example of fantastic travel bags that can endure possible weather changes which means they are durable, they are large enough and have many compartments – equals great organization, and they look really nice.
As far as overpacking goes, everyone can say they made that mistake at least once in their lifetime.
You can avoid packing unnecessary things simply by making a list of all the potential things you think you might need. Once you’ve made a list then you can start evaluating what are the essentials on that list.
Before you start packing check the weather, if it’s not going to rain you really don’t need to pack that raincoat, it’s just a waste of space. Also if it’s really hot you really don’t need a pair of jeans, you know you will spend your time in shorts or skirts. Check the weather and pack accordingly.
Also, try to imagine your outfits before you start packing. The general rule of thumb is to pack at least three T-shirts on one pair of bottoms.
And don’t worry you’ll look beautiful in your pictures because you won’t be regretting packing your favorite woolen jumper to the beach.
Picking the Right Destination
Travel enthusiasts can sometimes get overwhelmed by all the travel options they have. And many of them have extremely long bucket lists so they can really lose their focus. What experienced travelers know is that you don’t need to visit every country in the world. It’s really ok to skip some places, seriously.
But if you do want to visit a lot of countries where to start?
If you are just starting to travel, the best place to start is in Europe. Europe is absolutely safe has many different and wonderful countries with various cultures unique and refreshing. Choose a country of your liking–it doesn’t have to be a popular country like France or Germany, but if you are drawn to them go for it. And start exploring some major cities within that country, their nature, and hidden wonders.
Once you’ve experienced this “low impact” sort of travel you can move on to some exotic destinations in Africa or Asia. There are plenty of magical tropical islands with unbelievable sand beaches and crystal clear waters.
Going on a Safari or staying in a treehouse somewhere in Bali or a similar place is something most people aren’t used to, so these kinds of travels require a lot of preparation.
But don’t wait until you’re too old to go on these kinds of adventures, they require a lot of energy and major cities can wait to be seen until you are older. They are definitely a good place to start but don’t miss the chance to visit some exotic and unforgettable places.
Research Important Information
Researching online a little about the country you are going to visit can save you from a lot of misunderstanding and other inconveniences. You don’t need to know the language of the country you are visiting but some cultural differences and how to react to them can be helpful.
So what are some important things to have in mind while traveling?
Try to research topics around some local customs. Cultural differences are what make us all unique and you won’t get a cultural shock if you are prepared for some unusual (for you) customs. This can include the way you speak to someone, tipping the waiter, haggling and so on.
These kinds of information can really help you to blend in as opposed to the typical tourist who is walking around clueless.
Also, know the right exchange rates. This can not only help you save money but can also come pretty handy when visiting local markets or trying some local fast food.